Saturday, May 15, 2010

Busy Sports Mom

I am surprised I have actually been finding the time to add a post here and there (though I think I am the ONLY one that actually reads my blog ...haha..but I do enjoy perusing the old posts, so even if it is for me, at least I am enjoying it)....anyway, I digress...this month has been VERY busy with 2 sports...its practically every day that I am grabbing the water bottles, the sports chair, the bug spray...assorted sports items, such as cleats, bats, and uniform, and running out the door....but PLEASE don't let me forget my camera!

"Big D" has really started doing well in all of his events this year, whether cross country, soccer or baseball...I think he is finally growing into his size :)

Here are a few photos from a few different games so far this year....I don't want to Jinx the teams, but have to brag a record is 5-1-1 and Baseball so far is 5-0...On both our teams the guys really get along and play well together...which is so awesome!!!

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